10 Stories to read this weekend

 This is a moving weekend for me so I am going to keep the list of recommendations to read this weekend very short. So without much ado, here are some posts that are worth reading this weekend.

  • How 50 big companies got their name. From 3M to Amazon to AT&T, a funky look back at some household names.
  • I have lived over half of my life. Miranda Sawyer on the quiet desperation of a midlife crisis! I know how she feels. This is a brilliantly desolate reality of our modern, overachieving lives.
  • Why some ache to tweet and others couldn’t care less. A different perspective on our interconnected, always-on lives.
  • The science of a happy start-up. I love author Dave Kashen. Read this post and you will know why.
  • A year traveling with the iPad. I wish I was as brave as Gary Arndt and went traveling for that long a period of life.
  • What if Ernest Hemingway wrote Yelp reviews? They would read something like this.
  • The pay-it-forward culture. Startup guru Steve Blank talks about the importance of why the pay-it-forward culture is what makes Silicon Valley special. I think we are losing some of what he is talking about.
  • On IPOs, if you are going to file, make sure you price. Bill Gurley used to be a brilliant analyst, great columnist and is a spectacular venture capitalist. And also a compelling writer!
  • So what ails the Rackspace stock? I don’t know the answer but Sourya Biswas seems to know.
  • A thoughtful post by Mansour Oursanah on what’s more? Literally.

Related research and analysis from GigaOM Pro:
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  • Flash analysis: lessons from Solyndra’s fall
  • Flash analysis: the tech startup investment environment, Q3 2011
  • A Media Tablet Forecast, 2011 – 2015
