7 stories to read this weekend

Our GigaOM RoadMap conference last week kept me so busy and left me so exhausted that I didn’t get a chance to do much reading. So I decided to skip recommending any links last weekend. Time to make amends! Here are a bunch of fresh links for this weekend’s reading pleasure.

  • Today the lean startup methodology is conventional wisdom. Dave Gray, the man behind X-Plane, notes that it all started at Toyota in his post about Push vs. Pull ways of manufacturing.
  • How to think and communicate visually? This is a great lesson from David Armano and important because we allneed to rise about the noise around us. 
  • Truly engaging and immersive products or how to keep talent. A great post from the Swedish publishing Bonnier’s R&D blog by Jenny Sunden.
  • Why many smart people are not social. Rajesh Shetty explains. I am of the opinion that not everyone needs to be social.
  • Is the iPhone replacing the motorcycle as the love object for the modern man? The New York Times weighs in.
  • This brief rant on the future of interaction design by Bret Victor is simply awesome.
  • And to round off the list, Dave Trott’s Fail Upwards is a lesson for all of us.

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