D.me: Is this the new Delicious?

Looks like the folks over at Delicious may have a case of Digg envy: I stumbled across a seemingly new site called D.me today that serves up a continuous stream of stories in a design that looks a lot like the recently-relaunched Digg.com, with a bit of Pinterest mixed in for good measure.

ddotme screenshot

The site offers users to access content sorted by media types (articles, products, videos, music and photos) as well as through a free-form search. All of this can be combined, enabling you filter results to just photos and videos related to a certain subject. There even seems to be an element of personalization, offering users to display “more links like this.”

However, currently, only articles and a very small number of videos are on display, and search doesn’t seem to work at all.

ddotme videos

There’s no about section on the site, and nothing that directly connects it to Delicious. However, the AVOS team, which acquired Delicious two years ago, also bought the D.me domain, and in fact briefly used it as a kind of link shortener and email forwarder for Delicious. And a look under the hood reveals that D.me is in fact powered by the Delicious API.

At this point, it’s very unclear what the future holds for D.me. An email inquiry to the AVOS team went unanswered. It’s possible that D.me was just a test for the AVOS platform, which the company describes on its website as a “common technology stack we’re building to underpin shared features across the AVOS product portfolio.”

However, there’s also a chance that AVOS learned a lesson from its botched attempt to reinvent Delicious after it acquired the site. A number of features, including the idea of curated collections of links dubbed “stacks,” were eventually rolled back.

Maybe AVOS decided to leave Delicious alone, and experiment with more innovative ideas for content discovery on a separate site.

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