Is it really a tech boom or a bubble? [Infographic]

Is there a tech bubble or, is it really a boom? Ask a thousand people and you are going to get a thousand answers. In,fact — as noted investor & commentator Paul Kedrosky points out — there is a bubble in bubble-oriented commentary. For our part, we thought it was best to talk to survivors of the last bubble and learn from them — what they did they right and how they made it through the storm. If you missed it, try catching up via our mega-post: How to survive the next bubble.

The debate still hasn’t stopped. And to give you some sort of a historical perspective on the last Internet bubble/boom and the current bubble/boom, Fee Fighters and Kissmetrics created this infographic:

Infographic courtesy of FeeFighters & Kissmetrics

(Disclosure: Kissmetrics is backed by True Ventures, a venture capital firm that is an investor in the parent company of this blog, Giga Omni Media. Om Malik, founder of Giga Omni Media, is also a venture partner at True.)

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