Sponsor post: Sponsor post: Blur: Changing the Way You Interact With Computers

It’s easy to forget that the computer mouse is over 45 years old.

What’s not as easy to forget is that we’re now collectively getting used to interacting with computers via means and interfaces that have moved way beyond the keyboard and the mouse — the Kinect being the latest example.

The truth is that we stand on the verge of a major revolution in the models of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). A revolution that will fly right past academic and into a world of retail, medical, gaming, military, public event, sporting, personal and marketing applications.

From multi-touch to motion capture to spatial operating environments, over the next 10 years, everything we know about HCI will change.

Blur is the only conference that is exploring the line of interaction between computers and humans in a substantive, real-world and hands-on way.

At Blur, vendors, strategists, buyers and visionaries assemble to not only discuss the larger issues of HCI, but also to lay their hands on the latest in HCI technology. Blur is the only forum for a focused, hands-on exploration of the varied technologies evolving in the HCI.

Come play, investigate, learn and apply at Blur — where we’re changing how you interact with computers forever.
