Working With Bizrate for Trusted Seller Reviews and Ratings

When I was preparing to move to London a few months ago, I ended up doing a lot of shopping online for the items I knew I’d need – from a camera for capturing memories and an umbrella for the infamous drizzle to music that would go well with the cloudy skies! One of the tools I used to help me pick the online retailers I bought from were Google seller ratings and reviews. We get these reviews and ratings by aggregating consumer feedback from across the web.

Of course, for both shoppers and merchants, it’s important that merchant reviews are coming from real users who’ve completed transactions at the online stores they’re reviewing. That’s why we’re excited to announce our agreement with Bizrate Insights in the US, UK and Germany. The Insights program gets reviews from shoppers who have actually completed a transaction on your site, which means that it’s content you can trust to help you improve and promote your customer experience. Bizrate ratings have been an important component of our seller ratings, and we’ll now be able to include the full text of the review, so shoppers can get the full picture before they buy. Bizrate Insights is free; for more information on how to participate, visit their site.

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