Hey Leo, we *like* social media! – LiveSide housekeeping update

radiologo-12Leo Laporte is apparently swearing off everything but his blog and his weekly podcast (TwiT – This week in Tech, a fun listen, btw), but we’re having fun with our various side projects, and wanted to update you on what’s happening with LiveSide.

First, our blog always has been and hopefully always will be our central focus.  We think of Twitter and Facebook and Disqus etc. as tools to help us make it easy for you to get the latest in Windows Live news and information, and for us to communicate with you, but our blog comes first and foremost.  Leo Laporte seems like he’s realizing that, too.

Lately we’ve been spending some time updating our Facebook page, and this weekend we’ve begun a project to follow back all 1800+ of our Twitter followers.  To be honest, we just never started following people, and now, well, it looks bad. 

LiveSideStickerPayvmentIn our defense, at the time we started the LiveSide Twitter account, spammers and SEO hacks were running rampant, and it seemed like more trouble than it was worth.  Twitter to its credit has the spam pretty much under control now, and while we’re long overdue, we should have you all followed in a few days. We really appreciate your following us, and we’ve got some plans in the works once we get you all on our follower list (*cough* new stickers *cough*).

We’re also updating our Blogs We Like and Wiki (now FAQs Plus) sections.  Here’s a little secret: these sections don’t generate a lot of traffic, but we use them all the time.  If there’s Windows Live news, it will be on Blogs We Like, and we find lots of our story ideas there. New in Blogs We Like is a Windows Phone section, with some great blogs focused on Windows Phone 7, doing a better job of covering all the details than we could ever hope to.

We said when we started the “wiki” that it would be a work in progress, and again we’re stashing away little bits of info there that hopefully will come in handy in the future.  Today we added a page of links to the official Windows Live FAQs, and we’re thinking of our contribution as “FAQs Plus”, where you can get info that Microsoft can’t or won’t tell you, and little tidbits that may go under the radar.  Remember you can comment on our FAQs Plus pages, to add your own contributions.

Our Tweets section, even though even we forget about it sometimes, is lots of fun and a great quick overview of what Twitter is saying about Windows Live, Microsoft, and more.  Much faster than creating a Twitter search and filtering down to the good stuff, we’ve done all the hard work for you!

Anyway, thanks for reading LiveSide and subscribing in RSS, thanks for following us on Twitter and on Facebook, and thanks for all the comments!
