Bing feature update: Destination Pages

Planning a trip? Want to know some more about that city in advance? Check out Bing’s new destination pages.

The new feature assembles all the things you need to know to plan your trip, including flight information, hotels, attractions, local events, map and weather overview in one place. And that for 3000 cities across the world!

Hmm, I wonder if they got the capitol of my country. Let’s try.

First I go to Bing (I have it set to EN-US to make sure the feature will be there) and type in “Amsterdam, Netherlands”(without the quotes). And lookie to my surprise, it is there!
How do I know destination Pages has Amsterdam? Simple, it has Destinations in the menu! Let’s click it, to see what it can tell me…
A map, images, videos, museums, hotels, visitor attractions, art museums and galleries, weather..yep, pretty much all I need is there, except one thing: Public Transport! I can find driving and walking instructions via the map but no info on Train, busses, trams…so Bing Team can you look into getting that there too?

Of course there is no flight info on the page for me since I’m in the Netherlands, but there should be if you are elsewhere in the world ( “if you’re searching for a local city, Bing can recognize that you’re close and serve up results accordingly”). Let me show you by taking the example from the team’s blog post: Miami, Florida:
Yep, see there it is! It even filled in FROM and TO correctly already. Awesome!