LiveSide on WordPress

Boy this is a little nerve-wracking!  This morning we switched our blog over to WordPress, running a self-hosted site on our Windows Server.  We’ve been working behind the scenes for the last few weeks, and still have some work to do, but we pulled the trigger on making the switch this morning.wplogoLiveSideFB

We hope to get back to our “regularly scheduled programming” shortly, and we know that there are at least a few glitches, but we’re happy to get the bulk of the migration behind us.

Thanks go out to Chris Weeink, who was invaluable in helping us migrate our old images and internal links over (we created quite a little mess of images storages over the last 5 years!), to Picturepan2 for the codename.h theme which we based this current theme on, and to Damaster who took the theme and ran with it.

We’d like to share some of our WordPress experiences, especially as they relate to those of you on with your migrated Spaces account, but for now it’s back to work!