Handling Multi-touch and Mouse Input in All Browsers

Touch interaction with Web sites and apps has the opportunity to improve their usability
and ubiquity as the Web and Windows 8 Metro style apps play a key role on tomorrow’s
touch-enabled devices.

This post explains how Web developers can use the new
IE10 pointer event model along with the
iOS touch event model and the
W3C mouse event model (as
extended) to create a cross-browser, common-code handler for pointer,
touch, and mouse input.

A little background: I’m fortunate to have a
Samsung 700T Windows Developer Preview tablet PC. With it, I’ve been able to
enjoy the IE Test Drive multi-touch
demos Touch Effects
and Lasso Birds.
Like me, you may have noticed that Lasso Birds works across different devices and
browsers in addition to IE10. For example, its multi-touch works on iOS devices.
In this post, I’ve taken some of the patterns from Lasso Birds and generalized and extended them to include
older versions of browsers.

The result of my experimentation is below. It should work in your browser. A discussion
of the coding patterns and lessons learned follows below the demo.

The Code

The basic algorithm for drawing with the mouse model is straightforward:

var drawingStarted =

function DoEvent(eventObject)

if (eventObject.type
== "mousedown") {

drawingStarted = true;

startDraw(eventObject.pageX, eventObject.pageY);


(eventObject.type == "mousemove")

if (drawingStarted)

extendDraw(eventObject.pageX, eventObject.pageY);



(eventObject.type == "mouseup")

drawingStarted = false;




The only change needed to make this work with IE10’s pointer events is to add awareness
that multiple pointers can be down at the same time, each identified by a different
pointerId value. The IE10 pointer model fires separate MSPointerDown, MSPointerMove,
and MSPointerUp events for each pointer that changes state.

var drawingStarted =

function DoEvent(eventObject)

// without this, instead of drawing, you pan

var pointerId = eventObject.pointerId;

if (eventObject.type
== "MSPointerDown") {

drawingStarted[pointerId] =

startDraw(pointerId, eventObject.pageX, eventObject.pageY);


(eventObject.type == "MSPointerMove")

if (drawingStarted[pointerId])

extendDraw(pointerId, eventObject.pageX, eventObject.pageY);



(eventObject.type == "MSPointerUp")

delete drawingStarted[pointerId];




Adapting the original mouse model to Apple’s iOS touch event model requires that
you iterate through the list of changedTouches for each touchstart, touchmove, and
touchend event because, in the iOS model, state changes that occur at the same time
are bundled into one event. Like the IE10 pointer model, a unique identifier identifies
each touch point.

var drawingStarted =

function DoEvent(eventObject)

// without this, instead of drawing, you pan

for (var
i = 0; i < eventObject.changedTouches.length; ++i) {

var touchPoint = eventObject.changedTouches[i];

var touchPointId = touchPoint.identifier;

if (eventObject.type
== "touchstart") {

drawingStarted[touchPointId] =

startDraw(touchPointId, touchPoint.pageX, touchPoint.pageY);


(eventObject.type == "touchmove")

if (drawingStarted[touchPointId])

extendDraw(touchPointId, touchPoint.pageX, touchPoint.pageY);



(eventObject.type == "touchend")

delete drawingStarted[touchPointId];





Merging these three individual algorithms requires noting the differences between
the event names and the unique pointer identifier attribute names and accounting
for the lack of an identifier in the mouse model.

In the merged model, below, I also add a check that the “move” position has actually
changed because the IE10 pointer model streams MSPointerMove events with the same
x, y position when a touch point is held down but not moved. By filtering out these
redundant moves, I eliminate calls to extendDraw() that do nothing. I implemented
this check by storing the last x,y position from a start or move in the lastXY object
and, by checking that a lastXY entry exists for a particular id, lastXY replaces
the drawingStarted object used in the previous two examples.

var lastXY = { };

function DoEvent(eventObject)

// stop panning and
zooming so we can draw

if (eventObject.preventManipulation)





// if we have an array
of changedTouches, use it, else create an array of one with our eventObject

var touchPoints = (typeof eventObject.changedTouches !=
) ? eventObject.changedTouches : [eventObject];

for (var
i = 0; i < touchPoints.length; ++i) {

var touchPoint = touchPoints[i];

// pick up the unique
touchPoint id if we have one or use 1 as the default

var touchPointId = (typeof touchPoint.identifier !=
) ? touchPoint.identifier : (typeof
touchPoint.pointerId != 'undefined')
? touchPoint.pointerId : 1;


if (eventObject.type.match(/(down|start)$ /i))

// process mousedown,
MSPointerDown, and touchstart

lastXY[touchPointId] = { x: touchPoint.pageX, y: touchPoint.pageY

startDraw(touchPointId, touchPoint.pageX, touchPoint.pageY);


(eventObject.type.match(/move$ /i)) {

// process mousemove,
MSPointerMove, and touchmove

if (lastXY[touchPointId]
&& !(lastXY[touchPointId].x == touchPoint.pageX && lastXY[touchPointId].y
== touchPoint.pageY)) {

lastXY[touchPointId] = { x: touchPoint.pageX, y: touchPoint.pageY

extendDraw(touchPointId, touchPoint.pageX, touchPoint.pageY);



(eventObject.type.match(/(up|end)$ /i)) {

// process mouseup,
MSPointerUp, and touchend

delete lastXY[touchPointId];





The examples above specifically ignore the issues of registering to receive the events
or ensuring that they apply to the drawing target. Making this work for real and
with all browsers—including versions of Internet Explorer before IE9—requires a
bit more work. Interested parties can peruse the final version of my multi-browser,
multi-touch drawing class here.

By coding for touch alongside mouse, Web developers can assure their sites work with
all browsers—whether desktop, tablet, or phone.

—Ted Johnson, Graphics Program Manager Lead, Internet Explorer
