MoTR 286 is 61 minutes long and is a 36.4 MB file in MP3 format.
CLICK HERE to download the file and listen directly.
HOSTS: Matthew Miller (Seattle) and Kevin C. Tofel (Philadelphia)
- CES preview – what we expect
- 2012 wrap up thoughts: surprises, winners, losers.
- NFC tagging: what is it good for?
- T-Mobile Note II updated with multi-window too
- iOS v Android: is one better for phones and one better for tablets?
- BlackBerry 10 is looking good – still time or is this a 2 horse race?
- Chevy Volt update: 5 weeks before a fillup. Topped 1,450 miles on this first tank (which wasn’t a full one)
- Kevin’s addicted to TuneIn radio on iOS/Android: radio stations on line, recording ability (for Pro, Android/iOS/BB only) and best of all: 7×24 Beatles A Rama!
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