New Samsung Galaxy S III software features on video

Samsung introduced the world to the new Galaxy S III on Thursday, showing off what some may find to be incremental hardware upgrades over the prior Galaxy model. Indeed, many of the specifications are on par with other high-end handsets currently available thanks to the 1280 x 720 display, support for NFC and high definition video recording. The new Samsung Exynos quad-core chip, however is already proving to be a winner when it comes to early benchmarks.

Still, I noticed that while Samsung showed off new hardware yesterday, it spent just as much time, if not more, focusing on new software features that improve the user experience. To that end, Samsung published a video on Friday to show some of these, which are nice touches that I think users will appreciate. Missing is a demo of S Voice, but if you’ve seen Siri demonstrated on an iPhone , the concept is similar. Take a peek at Samsung’s software improvements here and let me know what you think.

Although it’s the hardware that enables it, I like the software function that allows for video playback while multitasking. Thanks to that new Exynos chip, the Galaxy S III handles it with ease. The zen-like approach to phone is a little gimmicky to me — and it reminds me of the first Palm Pre presentation in 2009 — but other than that, I’m impressed with what Samsung is trying to accomplish through improved software that can take advantage of hardware improvements.

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