Mixbit, the new video website from AVOS Systems, the company co-founded by YouTube co-founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, is about to launch any moment now.
The AVOS team has already started to take down some of the curtains, and we were able to take a first peek: It looks like Mixbit is a bit like Vine for the remix web, allowing its users to record video clips that are up to 16 seconds long, and then mix them together into longer videos, which can last up to one hour altogether.
Here’s how the Mixbit site itself puts it:
“The MixBit app and website helps people create videos together. The app lets you record, edit and publish videos as short as one second or as long as an hour—right from your mobile device. The MixBit site is also the first site that lets users collaborate with each other and remix videos uploaded by the community.”
Mixbit clips can be recorded with a mobile app, which Avos uploaded to the iTunes app Store late Wednesday. An Android version is apparently forthcoming. Users can also take other people’s clips and remix them into new creations. Again, from Mixbit.com:
“Clips are stored as independent elements for easier editing and remixing, but play as one seamless video.”
Clips are also embeddable on third-party websites, and a kind of visual progress bar that is part of Mixbit’s video player shows which clips a Mix consists of, and in which order. Here’s an example of one of these embeds:
A first hint that Mixbit’s launch was imminent came earlier this week with a tweet from the official Mixbit Twitter account:
The team is hard at work getting the MixBit app ready for launch. Raise your hand if you're gonna download the app! http://t.co/mkmrE4a49y—
MixBit (@MixBitApp) August 07, 2013
Then late Wednesday night, Mixbit took down its home page, which had previously stated that “the future of video is launching soon,” but was briefly redirecting to Avos.com Wednesday. Pages of the site that had previously been indexed by Google, but had successively been redirecting to this launch placeholder page, started to become accessible, which gave us the chance to take a closer look at the site.
Check out some screenshots of Mixbit.com as well as the Mixbit iOS app below:
var go_gallery_data = [{“title”:”mixbit screenshot 3″,”caption”:”Each video page also shows you the individual clips a mix is made of.”,”thumbnail”:”http:\/\/gigaom2.files.wordpress.com\/2013\/08\/mixbit-screenshot-3.jpg?w=150″}, {“title”:”mixbit screenshot 1″,”caption”:”Featured videos on the Mixbit website.”,”thumbnail”:”http:\/\/gigaom2.files.wordpress.com\/2013\/08\/mixbit-screenshot-1.jpg?w=150″}, {“title”:”mixbit screenshot 2″,”caption”:”A single Mixbit video can consist of up to 256 clips of up to 16 seconds each.”,”thumbnail”:”http:\/\/gigaom2.files.wordpress.com\/2013\/08\/mixbit-screenshot-2.jpg?w=150″}, {“title”:”mixbit screenshot 4″,”caption”:”You can also see which remixes were made based on each original mix.”,”thumbnail”:”http:\/\/gigaom2.files.wordpress.com\/2013\/08\/mixbit-screenshot-4.jpg?w=150″}, {“title”:”mixbit iphone app 1″,”caption”:”The Mixbit iOS app lets users record clips of up to 16 seconds. “,”thumbnail”:”http:\/\/gigaom2.files.wordpress.com\/2013\/08\/mixbit-iphone-app-1.jpeg?w=84″}, {“title”:”mixbit iphone app 2″,”caption”:”Users can then edit mixes straight on their mobile device…”,”thumbnail”:”http:\/\/gigaom2.files.wordpress.com\/2013\/08\/mixbit-iphone-app-2.jpeg?w=84″}, {“title”:”mixbit iphone app 3″,”caption”:”… and share them with others.”,”thumbnail”:”http:\/\/gigaom2.files.wordpress.com\/2013\/08\/mixbit-iphone-app-3.jpeg?w=84″}, {“title”:”mixbit iphone app 4″,”caption”:”The inevitable waterfall of clips.”,”thumbnail”:”http:\/\/gigaom2.files.wordpress.com\/2013\/08\/mixbit-iphone-app-4.jpeg?w=84″}];
1 / 8mixbit screenshot 3Each video page also shows you the individual clips a mix is made of.
2 / 8mixbit screenshot 1Featured videos on the Mixbit website.
3 / 8mixbit screenshot 2A single Mixbit video can consist of up to 256 clips of up to 16 seconds each.
4 / 8mixbit screenshot 4You can also see which remixes were made based on each original mix.
5 / 8mixbit iphone app 1The Mixbit iOS app lets users record clips of up to 16 seconds.
6 / 8mixbit iphone app 2Users can then edit mixes straight on their mobile device…
7 / 8mixbit iphone app 3… and share them with others.
8 / 8mixbit iphone app 4The inevitable waterfall of clips.
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