Sponsormob has been providing customers in Europe and elsewhere with highly targeted, performance-based advertising since 2006. This year, with the opening of a sales office in Austin, Texas, the company has expanded its operations in North America, providing clients with sales contacts and account management.
With Sponsormob, advertising clients can work with one partner while reaching multiple networks, ad exchanges, yield optimizers and affiliates to advertise products and services on mobile. Technology such as Real-Time-Bidding and proprietary targeting and tracking ensure that ads are highly optimized, yielding high conversions for clients.
Sponsormob was founded in 2006 as one of the very first performance networks for mobile, providing clients with low-risk advertising on mobile devices. Mobile solutions include lead generation, app installs, click-to-call and others.
To find out more about partnering with Sponsormob, contact sales@sponsormob.com or call Brendhan Hight, 512-231-2217.