It seems these days that everyone is storing their files in the cloud–or telling you that you should. But as many firms know, the challenges of effectively managing and collaborating on digital files isn’t automatically solved just because your organization’s files live online.
Whether project team members are in the home office, visiting a satellite office, working in the field or on the road they need to be able to access and edit documents on the fly – and sometimes feedback is needed by multiple remote parties in a very short time period. And while these users are collaborating, they need to be confident that they are always seeing up-to-date files – including comments that may have just been added by a colleague on the road 30 seconds ago.
To solve these challenges, Bluebeam® Software has developed Revu, a PDF-based markup and collaboration solution for document-intensive industries. Revu’s integrated cloud technology, Bluebeam Studio™, allows users to store, access and edit files in the cloud, even if Internet connectivity is lost, from a desktop, tablet PC or iPad. When working with PDFs, multiple users can collaborate in real time by using the software’s customizable PDF markups to annotate a single copy of the same PDF – all while Revu automatically tracks who said what, and when.
With solutions like Bluebeam providing real time, anytime and even offline collaboration, it’s important to take a look at your organization’s approach to cloud computing. Are you just storing files in the cloud? If so–why?