Twitter has made adjustments to its top executives, making Ali Rowghani the new chief operating officer and replacing his chief financial officer position with Mike Gupta, who held the same role at Zynga. The change was first reported by AllThingsD and confirmed in a tweet from CEO Dick Costolo on Wendnesday night:
Congratulations to @rowghani on his new role as COO and to @mgupta on his new role as CFO.—
dick costolo (@dickc) December 20, 2012
Rowghani was previously the chief financial officer at Twitter, and he will now hold the role that Dick Costolo held before Costolo became CEO in 2010. Before joining Twitter, he was the CFO at Pixar. Gupta comes to Twitter from Zynga, where he was most recently chief financial officer there before leaving in November for Twitter.
The company has had a several changes and hires in key roles in the last year as the company has expanded in size and moved to new offices. The New York Times recently reported that Twitter is expected to make $ 1 billion in revenue next year, and the executive changes come as Twitter moves to monetize and solidify its position in the Valley.