Using big data to reinvent health care

Today’s health care system is challenged in managing data and costs. From the rise of an aging population to the increase of fraud, waste and abuse, health care organizations are challenged to efficiently maximize their resources for legitimate patients who need care. New health care legislation brings challenges and opportunities for health care organizations and their patients. With health care costs projected to spiral into the trillions of dollars in the next few years, many organizations are applying the advances in IT, mobile and other forms of technology to the problem of containing costs and finding new and innovative ways to care for patients.

Our panel of experts will address these topics and more:

  • How big-data services are being used to provide better care today through early detection, better understanding of risks and utilization of rapidly expanding data sets in medical care and bioinformatics
  • Real-world examples and lessons from case studies of medical providers utilizing big data to result in better and more-efficient health care
  • How to spot collusion rings in big data to detect fraud, waste and abuse and see hidden patterns and relationships

Speakers include:

  • Moderator: Michael Wolf, VP of Research, GigaOM Pro
  • Jody Ranck, Analyst, GigaOM Pro
  • Jo Prichard, Data Scientist, LexisNexis HPCC Systems

Join GigaOM Pro and HPCC Systems from LexisNexis for “Using big data to reinvent health care,” a free analyst roundtable webinar at on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012, at 10 a.m. PDT.
