Whenever I have a few minutes on hand, I end up on Vimeo, arguably my second-favorite site on the web. (GigaOM obviously is the first.) And when I do that, I find high-quality stuff that I like to call mind-goodies. These are short films that are aesthetically appealing, very creative and more importantly, intellectually nourishing. For example, last night when unable to sleep, I ended up discovering Everything is a Remix, a series of web videos.
The brainchild of New York-based film maker Kirby Ferguson, the series (so far in three parts) builds on the premise that original ideas and thoughts are extremely hard. And because of that, some of the greatest creations are derivative works or remixes of those original thoughts.
From The Sugarhill Gang to Kanye West to George Lucas to Led Zeppelin and even the original Apple computer are products based on thoughts, art and ideas that emerged elsewhere. Ferguson describes the process as “copy, transform and combine.” I suppose your could say the same about blogging itself.
Do me a favor — sit back and enjoy what are three awesome videos and pray for the fourth and final part of the web series to come soon. And Kirby, if you are in San Francisco, I am happy to buy lunch.
Everything is a Remix Part 1 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.
Everything is a Remix Part 2 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.
Everything is a Remix Part 3 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.
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