Bing Shopping, available to US users, has made a number of improvements to the experience recently, according to a blog post on the Bing Search blog. In addition to expanding the number of available products and adding top brands like Nordstrom, ESPN, Sony Store, and more, Bing Shopping has refined a number of features to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.
The first of these improvements integrates Bing Shopping’s category filters (positioned on the left hand side of the page) with the search box itself. Now, when shopping for certain high volume items (we found it worked for shoes, laptops, tvs, etc.), you’ll get the filtered results right in the search box:
When you click on a result within the search box, that filter will be populated in the search result:
More Bing Shopping improvements include adding sale prices into search results and category filters, filtering product pages by store (Amazon, Target, etc.), and adding related items to the search results.
And Bing Shopping Lists have improved too. You can now create multiple shopping lists, and then share them on Facebook, sharing either with your Facebook friends, or a subset of those friend that you can choose from within the Shopping List. Any comments via Facebook will then show back up right in your shopping list!
Bing has also improved the home page experience at, revamping many of the browse pages just in time for back-to-school shopping.