Earlier this month, Microsoft added an improved “all photos” experience to SkyDrive.com, new document thumbnail layouts, full-resolution photo uploads for global Windows Phones, as well as under-the-hood performance tweaks to speed up uploading times. However, the SkyDrive team is also looking at ways to improve the service, and LiveSide has recently learnt that Microsoft is planning to add support for uploading and viewing 3D panorama within SkyDrive.com in the future.
LiveSide understands that the 3D panorama experience on SkyDrive.com will be based on Photosynth technology. Currently, Photosynth which allow users to capture 360° panoramas from a single location using an app for iOS and Windows Phone; and desktop users can also download Microsoft Research’s Image Composite Editor to create panoramas from still images and videos. However, whilst the current apps and tools supports uploading to the Photosynth.net website, it is understood that SkyDrive.com will support the storage and viewing of these panoramas in the future, through what is referred to as “interactive panorama mode”.
An example 3D panorama on Photosynth.net
We’re currently unsure whether “synths”, also based on Photosynth technology, will be supported on SkyDrive.com. Contrary to panoramas, “synths” are a collection of overlapping photos that are automatically reconstructed into a 3D model, and can only be created using the Photosynth application. Unfortunately, we have not seen or heard any mentions of “synths” being supported on SkyDrive.com.
Unfortunately, we were unable to confirm the release timeframe for this new feature, and whether or not the SkyDrive apps will also be updated to include this feature (or what will happen to the existing Photosynth apps). But in the mean time, let us know what you think of this feature in the comments below.