Skype for Windows Phone 8 updated

Skype has just announced, via its Garage and Updates blog, that Skype for Windows Phone has been updated. The new version, along with “quality and performance improvements”, includes a new People List Filter, and improvements to the Home Screen:

  • People List Filter – We received feedback from users that they’d like to see Windows Phone contacts and Skype contacts split out in the Skype People List. So, in 2.9 we’ve added a filter so you can see either all your contacts, just Skype contacts, or only available contacts.
  • Home Screen – The Skype home screen has been improved so that users can now pivot through app functions. The Favorite Contact tiles are now smaller, fitting three across on the screen so it is faster for you to contact the people you care about most.

Although the blog post references Windows Phone 8, the update, version, released today, the app “works with Windows Phone 8 (and) Windows Phone 7.5″. You can get the updated version from the Windows Phone Store.