pwn2own 2011 day 1: Safari and IE8 fall
Tweet At the annual pwn2own competition, where hackers lineup to show off their security-cracking skills on a number of software …
Tweet At the annual pwn2own competition, where hackers lineup to show off their security-cracking skills on a number of software …
Tweet Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser seems to be reversing its market share losses showing microscopic gains, according to research firm, …
Tweet Bing continues to (dare we say it?) innovate, and while some of the improvements aren’t earth-shattering, and indeed some …
Tweet Apple today announced the release of Safari 5.0.1. What’s significant in this point release is that Apple has turned …
Tweet Apple released an update to Safari today, upgrading to version 5.0.1, that introduces extensions to the Safaris user base. …