Learning more about our advertising future in Google Glass world

Google Glass welcome here

How could Google Glass change advertising? Well, today it was revealed that there might be a “pay per glaze” style of advertising.

Here I talk with Sahil Jain, CEO of AdStage, about the future of advertising. Interesting conversation.

Interesting conversation about what advertising might look like on Google Glass.

By the way, the photo here is from my brother’s bar. I believe his is the first bar to welcome Google Glass wearers. Story here.

This weekend I’ll be at a Google Glass hackathon. You can learn more here. The future of commerce, and all that, will definitely be on the table. Speaking of commerce, you really need to check out what Tapingo is doing. Imagine you are a college kid, you wake up, leave your dorm, and Google Glass asks you “would you like your usual coffee?” You answer “OK Glass, yes, have my regular coffee ready.” Tapingo has your order waiting at your favorite coffee shop. Don’t believe that can happen? It’s already happening on dozens of college campuses this fall. Check out the CEO explaining how it works:

Finally, Rackspace is laying some cash down to help make this future come about. At the Techcrunch Disrupt conference we will hold a Google Glass developer conference where we’ll give $ 10,000 cash to the winner. More details in about a week. But please join me there and let me know if you’d like to participate. scobleizer@gmail.com

I have arranged a $ 100 off discount code ScobledSF13 for Techcrunch Disrupt, too.

The future is coming, will your business be ready the way Tapingo and AdStage’s are?

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