With the release of Internet Explorer 11 Preview as part of the Windows 8.1 Preview, we have updated the IE Testing Center to include new test cases for the standards supported in IE11, advancing browser interoperability. As Web developers are building for more browsers and devices, they want to be more efficient by using the same markup across their sites. Having clear tests of standards support in browsers helps drive clarity and completeness for both the Web community and browser vendors, leading to a more interoperable Web.
1199 new test cases submitted to standards organizations
We have added 1199 test cases on the IE Testing Center for Web Crypto, PreFetch, High Resolution Timers, Navigation Timing 2, Performance timeline, Canvas, JavaScript, Media Source Extensions, Pointer Events, Page Show and Page Hide, DOM4 Mutation observers, Document.all, WebIDL binding, and Flex box. Our 570 JavaScript test cases support Ecma International’s ECMAScript Sixth Edition draft specification (also known as ES6) as well as ECMA-402 JavaScript Internationalization.
We’re submitting these new test cases to standards bodies through their official process for review, feedback, and inclusion into the official test suites.
In addition to our internal test case development, we also participate in public W3C sponsored events through Test The Web Forward. At these events we work with the developer community and other browser vendors to write tests that move W3C proposals forward. The event last April was sponsored by Microsoft and took place in our Seattle offices. Together we were able to contribute 514 new tests in just one day.
Feedback on the test cases
As always, we look forward to working closely with standards bodies and their membership to make the Web better through the Web standards process.
Each Standards Organization has methods for providing feedback. For W3C test cases, please use the W3C mailing list for the appropriate working group. For JavaScript test cases, please submit your feedback in the ECMAScript bug database.
We encourage other browser vendors to help the W3C finish the HTML5 specification by providing additional tests to the official HTML5 testing task force.
Thank you,
Matt Gradwohl & Rajkumar Mohanram
Internet Explorer Test Managers
Dinesh Chandnani
JavaScript Test Manager